Tuesday 11 November 2008

Title Ideas

This is a song title by The View. It plays on the idea of the magazine having more of a fashion edge as that is what my target audience want. I like the idea of having a song name as the magazine is aimed at people who really know their music and so they should recognise it. However, I feel that this goes against the idea of having the magazine based on up and coming artists as that band are already very popular.

This idea is very simple, many people responded to the questionnaire suggested that ‘indie’ should be included in the title. Also the ‘monster’ also shows that it is more aimed towards males than females. I feel that this idea is catchy, immediately shows what the magazine will be about whilst having a unique edge, as monster would possibly not normally be used as a magazine title.

This idea immediately creates a sense of energy and excitement. I really like the idea of a one word title as it is very catchy, but I feel that this could be too vague and possibly end up confusing the reader.

This idea is playing on the theme of indie being individual. The complete randomness is likely to stop somebody who will want to discover what the magazine is about by looking at the image and cover line’s. Also, having “lego”, suggests that the target audience is male dominated as it is more a boy product. I have discovered that unfortunately I would probably not be able to use this name because Lego is a trademark and therefore there could be issues with copyright.

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