Friday 10 October 2008

Contents Page Ideas

These are my initial ideas for the articles shown on the contents page. They are mainly based on question one of my questionnaire. I have not yet thought about categorizing articles.

  1. School band review.

  2. Chart bands and student reviews.

  3. Film reviews.

  4. Revision guides.

  5. How to beat common room boredom.

  6. Fashion trends.

  7. How to dress for school.

  8. Sixth form, extreme Frisbee competition review.

  9. Girls football advertisement.

  10. Boys netball competition review.

  11. Photos from the sixth form.

  12. Jokes page (submitted by the students).

  13. Upcoming events.

  14. Road runner trip review.

  15. Newly released films.

I am probably going to end up cutting down on this amount of ideas, however, this will help me to categorize and check that this is what the sixth form really want.

I will then take this list and transform it into a contents page.

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