Sunday 12 October 2008


I handed this questionnaire to a total of 20 sixth formers. 5 female year 12's, 5 female year 13's, 5 male year 12's and 5 male year 13's. This was to get fair and evenly distributed results.

Here is the questionnaire:
  1. State three article themes, for example, sport or music, that you would be interested in reading about in the school magazine.
  2. What would you rather there was more of on the front cover?
    Options: images; text; equal combination.
  3. Would you prefer the colours to be:
    Options: Dull; bright; a mixture.
  4. Suggest a title for the magazine and why you have chosen it.
  5. What, in your opinion, would work best on the front cover?
    Options: the school; the students; other (please specify)
  6. How often do you think would be appropriate for the magazine to be released?
    Options: weekly; monthly; seasonally; annually.
  7. What usually draws your attention to a magazine?
  8. Would you prefer the font to be:
    Options: modern; simple; traditional; elaborate.
  9. Would you rather read about:
    Options: extra-curricular; academic; a mixture.
  10. Part 1) What is the most important part of school life?
    Part 2) How do you think this could be reflected in the magazine?
I feel that all of these questions will get me a better understanding of what the sixth form want from a school magazine.

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