Sunday 12 October 2008

Magazine Title Ideas

I have come up with three titles for my magazine. I am going to submit a questionnaire to the sixth form to see what is the favourite option.

Option 1:
I like this idea as it is short and simple. This means that it will grab the viewers attention and it will be memorable. It also suggests it is one of a kind, which it is, but this will make the viewer want to read it.

Option 2:
This idea came from the social networking site, MySpace. As most of the sixth form use myspace I think this is a good idea as they can easily relate to it. The title is longer, but I think that as it is so similar to MySpace it will be eqaully as memorable in the viewers mind.

Option 3:
Read It
This idea came from the questionnaire results. This was my favourite choice from the sixth form and I feel that it is short and memorable. It speaks for itself really which could reflect in the magazine being an easy read. Obviously you don't want to get too confused when reading a magazine.

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