Tuesday 14 October 2008

School Magazine Title Questionnaire

I have carried out a further questionnaire because the titles question was not specific enough. I used all of the ideas that came back from the last questionnaire and added some of my own ideas as well.

What is your favourite choice of title for the school magazine?

Sole = 0
YourSpace = 14
Read It! = 4
Shrew News = 0
Sofa = 0
Brentwood County High Sixth Form = 0
Gossip Girl = 0
LOL = 1
Other = 0

I feel that these results prove my theory of people just being too lazy to think of a title. This is a much better idea and so I can therefore learn from my mistakes and use this knowledge for when I start my music magazine.

I am going to call the magazine YourSpace. This is because I like the idea of using something relatable to the students and changing it slightly. It also suggests that it is what they want inside. Also, because the students themselves have agreed, with 70% of people choosing YourSpace.

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