Sunday 12 October 2008

Questionnaire Results and Analysis

I have collected all of the results from the questionnaire and carried out a small analysis of the data I found.

  1. State three article themes, for example, sport or music, that you would be interested in reading about in the school magazine.
    With 15 people saying they would like to read about music, this was the most popular by far. I could use the school band for this or have chart music reviews from the students themselves. Other popular options included fashion, comedy and film. For this I could use various different techniques such as, jokes publised by students, pictures of students talking about their own fashion and film reviews. 2 people said gossip and real life. Obviously gossip couldn't be about the students themselves as people could get upset but I could use celebrity gossip.
  2. What would you rather there was more of on the front cover?
    Options: images; text; equal combination.
    Half of the students said images and 8 said a combination. This tells me that there must be a majority of images on the cover with some text.
  3. Would you prefer the colours to be:
    Options: Dull; bright; a mixture.
    With 9 people saying bright and 9 saying a combination I feel that I have to make the cover bright and eye catching but equally have enough blank space so that the cover doen't look to over the top and busy. I could achieve this by having bright text, as this obviously won't take up too much space. Contrasted with a white background, this could give all of the sixth formers what they want.
  4. Suggest a title for the magazine and why you have chosen it.
    Most people said something along the lines of "Brentwood County High Sixth Form", which I feel is mainly to do with lack of imagination. Other ideas included "Read it", "Sofa", "Shrew News" and "LOL". These are all imaginative ideas, however, I think that i am going to make another questionnaire so I can use a list of titles. I will include all of the ideas above and add a few of my own ideas and an other section.
  5. What, in your opinion, would work best on the front cover?
    Options: the school; the students; other (please specify)
    The majority of the students said that they wanted the students to be on the cover. This shows me that I should have a photo of a sixth former on the cover of my magazine.
  6. How often do you think would be appropriate for the magazine to be released?
    Options: weekly; monthly; seasonally; annually.
    The majority of students said monthly. I agree with this and think that this would be best for any school magazine.
  7. What usually draws your attention to a magazine?
    Dominantly images but also the headline, colours and boldness. This tells me that the image should be large and take up a lot of space with bright and interesting headings and sub-headings surrounding it.
  8. Would you prefer the font to be:
    Options: modern; simple; traditional; elaborate.
    The majority of students wanted simple and modern text. This shows me that the students probably relate more to more modern fonts and therefore, I should use modern fonts. I think that the reason for this is because students use computers a lot of the time and are used to the modern fonts on a pc.
  9. Would you rather read about:Options: extra-curricular; academic; a mixture.
    Most people said both so I need an equal combination for the cover and contents page.
  10. Part 1) What is the most important part of school life?
    Most popular answers included friendship, education, art, happiness and fun. This will help me to think of articles and features for the contents page.
    Part 2) How do you think this could be reflected in the magazine?
    To have articles and images about the above topics.

These results will help me a lot with the school magazine and will count as primary research for my magazine. This means it should be exactly what the students want.

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